
Upcoming Exhibitions

Experience Lina's Works Live: Exhibitions in 2024 Throughout 2024, I will present my latest works at a number of exhibitions around Denmark and abroad. These exhibitions give you a unique opportunity to experience the works in reality, where you can see the details, sense the texture of the materials and let yourself be absorbed by the story each work tells.

Exhibition at Kulturens Hus early 2024 

I will participate in a group exhibition at Kulturens Hus. Here I will present a series of new bronze sculptures and oil paintings that explore the theme of human relationships and the magic of nature. The exhibition will be open to the public and offers a chance to see my works in a new context.

Solo Exhibition at Æbleblomst Gård 

Later this year I will hold a solo exhibition at my own studio, Æbleblomst Gård. This exhibition will focus on my latest series of oil paintings where I have worked with colors and shapes in a new and experimental way. I look forward to sharing these works with you and hope they will bring you as much joy as they have brought me during creation.

Previous Exhibitions

A Retrospective of My Artistic Work Throughout my career I have had the honor of exhibiting my works in many places, both in Denmark and internationally. These exhibitions have been an important part of my artistic journey as they have allowed me to share my art with a wider audience and get feedback from viewers and critics. On this page you can see an overview of my previous exhibitions, complete with pictures and descriptions of those exhibited