TOP-TOY A/S 2013

From Henrik Gjørup:

"Lina Murel Jardorf has in a fantastically creative way created a sculpture which is a gift from our employees on the occasion of our 50th anniversary, and which expresses our company's values ​​at the same time that she has children, joy, toys and "mother earth" to ascend into a higher whole, so that the artwork expresses joy and positivity to everyone who passes it at our head office."

From Lars Andersen, Performance Management Specialist:

"It has been a great pleasure to collaborate with Lina on a 50-year anniversary present for the family that owns our company. We were faced with a difficult task in finding just the right gift. Already after the first telephone conversation with Lina, we were aware that the gift should be a bronze sculpture created by Lina. After visiting the studio, we became even more excited about Lina's ideas and thoughts with the sculpture - we had a very creative dialogue, where many important elements from our company were incorporated into the creation of the sculpture.

We are very satisfied with the result and so are the recipients. At the same time, it's great when you experience that the artist puts as much soul into the task as we did."

Sparbank, 2011

Flemming Joseph Jensen, Adm. director, Sjælsø Group:

"In our atrium yard, we are reminded every day of life's shadow sides and sunny days; Lina's 7 female sculptures capture essential emotions such as anger, joy, hopelessness, freedom, love, grief and care. One clasps his hands in anger, another happily stretches his arms up to the sky. At Sjælsø, we develop residential and commercial projects and create spaces for people to live or work in, and this requires a constant focus on the vital needs of the individual, both physical and mental. In addition to beautifying our domicile, the work 'The 7 feelings' therefore also goes into and pays tribute to our basic philosophy of having people at the centre."

Restaurant Era Ora, 2010

Elvio Milleri, Restaurateur and owner of the Michelin restaurant Era Ora

"When I started my exclusive club Elvios Friends, I wanted to create a community. The members must feel unique and connected and therefore, I asked Lina to make a personal icon for each of my Friends. The result is a small bronze plate, embossed with a name and a unique female figure, which radiates strength, joy of life and enjoyment. Today, members have the icon on their desk, on their windowsill – or with them in their pocket, as a talisman that reminds them of our connection. Lina's message is love and she conveys that perfectly with the club's symbol of eternal friendship."

The real estate agency Jesper Nielsen, 2010

Jesper Nielsen, State authorized estate agent MDE:

“We are all looking for a base, a place where we can recharge and feel safe. As a real estate agent, it is my noblest task to find people the perfect home, and when Lina had to create a piece for our office, she built on my philosophy of closeness, tranquility and anchoring. Now the sculpture 'The Tree of Life' adorns us as symbolic jewelry, and tells people about the importance of putting down roots in order to grow. A home in balance is an indispensable prerequisite for a life in harmonious development.”

Who dare to be in the center

Torben Bork Bruun Art teacher, art therapist:

I myself was placed in my own center in a strange way when I met Lina's pictures. Yes - even a little startled and at the same time deeply touched. I think I met my own longing. Longings are the pledge, everything we long for exists, according to Karen Blixen. In any case, I was quiet, very quiet at my first encounter with Lina's pictures. I think I experienced, for a brief second, the strength we all possess, but which often dies and is swept away behind norms and morals. A force which puts the Jante law in place.

In Lina and especially in her pictures, I encounter an expression of a colossal strength that can only grow out of concrete life experiences, faith in life and a great spiritual wealth, as well as a skin-to-skin honest ability to share this wealth.

It takes courage, a sublime courage. A courage that lies hidden in passion. The passion contains an ability to connect to life in such an honest and intense way that the vulnerability emerges. It is not easy to accommodate this honesty. It leaves little scars on the soul, perhaps sometimes in others, as the demand for presence and essence is not up for discussion.

The soul space that Lina shares with us viewers is fairly clear on screen. She has courage and strength, and above all she has learned to be allowed to believe in herself.

With the passion that Lina has for the day, I believe that the possibility of a rich life will emerge. It seems to be heard earlier on Lina herself. A life with enormous ardor and an underlying gentleness, a life that takes joys and sorrows and uses this to shape the path of life. It may sound simple, but I don't think it is!

Contact with curiosity must be a prerequisite, and Lina - as a person, her paintings tickle even my own curiosity. Her glow is contagious and creates warmth, which life in its basic essence depends on.