My mother death / Passing

On a Monday in February (2015, ed.) my sweet, much-loved Mother died at 5:25 p.m., she died in her own bed at home with children, fur children and grandchildren around her to hold her hands and kiss her. We loved her so immeasurably, she gave so much love, she made spas and fun while we and the grandchildren were small, she was part of the worst, it was just fun and she died 86 years old and couldn't really take it anymore, but died as she really wanted to.

She had moved into one of my apartments here at Æbleblomst Gård, and fortunately was also happy for this whole 1 ½ years, and had a really nice summer, where she enjoyed the heat. Unfortunately, she became more and more spoiled, but she was clearly waiting for my niece to return from Australia, where they were visiting her husband's parents for almost a month. She fell on Sunday, and then it was time for her to move on to her next life.

It was immeasurably very beautiful and fine, plus it was a wonderfully beautiful sunny day with high skies to die for. Before the grandchildren arrived, she reached straight up towards the ceiling (she hadn't been able to move since the day before). My sweet Father was ready to pick her up. Thinking he said: "Come on Lis!! Now I've waited 20 years"... But she wanted to wait until everyone was here, and when almost everyone was here she raised both hands and said confidently: "Yes, yes, I'll be ready in a little while."

The world's sweetest nurse came and gave her quite a bit of anti-anxiety medication and morphine, because we were worried that she would have to lie down in pain. The nurse was so incredibly loving and caring, thank you....

It didn't take long, and then she stopped living here on Mother Earth.... It was both very sad and despairing, but also very good, because we must think of Mother and not of ourselves, our Mother was beautiful and beautiful, picture-perfect when young, in fact all her life, and here at the end adorable and sweet before she got so thin because she just as quietly stopped eating and drinking, but even in death she is beautiful, she was such a good and sweet Mother - she was 86 years old.

I love her very much and she taught me such fine and lovely values ​​in life, to love nature and the beauty of trees, to show respect to animals, and to love deeply, my love flows out in conflicting streams to Mother Earth, to those creatures who are around me, to and in my art, and to you who are reading this.

I was so incredibly distraught when she died, I didn't sleep for several days, cried a lot, but then calm came exactly 3 days later because Bonnie wrote these very right words to me and it gave me deep and heartfelt peace, reminded me that I knowing well that this life is only temporary, and there is something after….

Thanks to my sweet rubber daughter Michella Christensen for these words, they fit my mother exactly: "As they say - the sky has got another beautiful star".

Mother was buried in Farum Church with the wise priest Asser Skude, who also buried Torben Kaufmann. My sister and I decided to paint the coffin ourselves and that Mother should lie here at Æbleblomst Gård under a birch tree in the fir plantation. I decided to have Mother lying in her bedroom (it just had to be cold, the prayer ladies told me) until the coffin was ready. It was a liberating and beautiful process, which is quite common in other countries, because then we could go in and talk to her. In the almost 20 years that Father has been dead, I have felt him, and Mother also stroked my cheek the first night, it was so beautiful, IS so beautiful....

My dear Didje 

Didje, my dear 16-year-old dog, imagine that she has been with me for 16 years, that's a lifetime, and converted she is over 100 years old. Didje has had a very big life task with me, namely teaching me to love unconditionally... she was a great master

On 23 Dec 2006, Didje then went on to dog heaven, to the next dimension, there was and is sadness in my heart, but I know she is fine, because when vet Peter Rosenlund from the Vangede Animal Clinic came to our home, she looked for him . I had told myself that if she was sick for more than 3 days, I would call the vet. She was bad for the 3 days and at night it was really bad, I was up all night explaining to her that now was the time to let go of this old holster that had served her so well and I said thank you for all that she had taught me, and she could safely depart...

I spoke to my Father, who has been dead for 10 years, and often comes to visit me, which makes me happy and at ease, if he would be kind enough to receive her.

Everything was ready, including her, because as I said she was clearly looking for Peter, we were both touched, because as Peter said "she is such a great personality with the most beautiful heart and mind and no matter where she came, she made a big impression" and that I should be happy about the 16½ years because such a dog was extremely rare to be a companion with and I would probably never get a dog with those qualities again, and that he saw many, many dogs every day, and had never met one who Didje......and she only stayed alive because of me, so I had to let go.....

I did... he first gave her a light anesthetic down in the living room and then all 3 of us went up to the bedroom where I laid her on the bed and he gave her the last lethal injection and before he had emptied it she sighed deeply, and set off. I lit candles, incense and put flowers, and after some time in her basket, my mother came and said goodbye to her.


My biggest source of inspiration is my horse and nature. Arancha is her name, and she came to me in the year 2000, she had been through very sad experiences in her life and had clearly felt in the way, left out, and slandered on several levels, and had probably tried to "shout" up but as she has proven to be a very sensitive and special horse, it was not an option for her at all, so she sank into herself and shut everything out, she was actually completely switched off and milky white in the eyes when she came to me, she always lay down on the fold, and at first I didn't want her at all and she didn't want me...

Because I had to, among other things, to New York, already at that time had my studio over there and had to go to exhibitions, galleries, feel the city and its exciting inhabitants... but sweet Sanne, who is now my friend, kept saying "yes, it's just something for you and you for her ” and in the end I said yes, the horse and I glared at each other a bit and I think each of us thought “soooo!!”

Well, after some time, and many trips to NY - I thought "now I have to start this project" and since I don't go into something with half a heart, because then I'm not living, I feel that I can't live ½ so better say no thanks...

But she went to a homeopath, chiropractor, masseur and healer, and not least a craniosacral therapist who also talked to her... and today she has become very beautiful and fine, she is usually happy in the lid, moves beautifully and smoothly, and even if, like other disreputable creatures, she takes a downturn once in a while and slips back into the gloom, and in the summer of 2007 she went through a period where she actually lost her entire man, but is quite cool, i.a. because of my riding, which is a mixture of anatomical - academic and classical dressage, but spiced up with wonderful long walks in the forest and the Zoo and, not least, a lot of daily life in large paddocks with other horses.......a real horse life , and the beauty is that she comes when I call her even though she is in a real horse life...